Monday, April 20, 2009

Home Made EM...Update

Good day everyone , still remember on my Home Made EM from previous posts...well its been 3 months since I prepared the solution and its time for test the ph of the enzyme. For your information , I will start to call the solution as fruit enzyme , because the name EM-1 is a copyright name of the EM company based in Japan. Just don't want to trouble myself on copyright issue , thus starts today we will define the solution as fruit enzyme.
Well its been almost 3 month since I first prepare the enzyme , and the smell of the solution were also not that bad. The smells remind me of a red wine ....if you guys happen to come across a red wine. Ya smells exactly the same !

The ph also show positive outcome were it shows between 3 to 4 . The control ph is somewhere around 3.5 . Below is the photos of the ph reading strips and the fruit enzyme before filtration.

Hope the fruit enzyme is ready now ....I will use it in my next batch of worm bedding and spray it thoroughly on the prepared bedding before adding the worms in it.
Will up date the outcome in near future ...bye :)

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