Sunday, January 4, 2009

Effective Microorganism or EM-1

The History of EM

In the field of nature-based technologies, an important discovery was made by a quiet, reflective microbiologist from Japan. Dr. Teruo Higo had diligently been testing a variety of microorganisms, when he accidentally fell upon a blend of microscopic organisms that had formed a symbiotic alliance. The waste products of one created the food for the other. Dr. Higa decided to call his discovery “Effective Microorganisms™”, which is now popularly referred to as EM.
EM·1® Microbial Inoculants was first used for organic agriculture. The farmers were not only producing higher yields at lower costs, but they were simultaneously cleaning up their farming environment with this new product. This was a huge breakthrough for sustainable agriculture. Because of the economic factor of producing more for less, Higa believed it was only a matter of time before all foods would be organically grown.
But Dr. Higa began wondering if EM·1® could be used for cleaning up other contaminated environments. So he began testing EM for cleaning up landfill sites, polluted rivers, and other chemically- impacted environments. EM·1® was triumphant in decontaminating these sites as well.

The Use of EM

Effective Microorganisms™ is now being used throughout the world for a broad variety of natural remediation applications such as:

  • Decontamination services for natural and manmade disaster sites.
  • Bioremediation of toxic and hazardous waste sites and spills.
  • Production of organic fertilizers and silage from recycled green wastes.
  • Natural purification and treatment of wastewaters/sludge.
  • Economical maintenance and recycling of quality drinking water.
  • Production of renewable and clean-burning bio-fuels.
  • Livestock/poultry/aquaculture natural health and environmental quality maintenance.
  • Remediation of noxious, greenhouse gasses and odor control.
  • Highly-nutritious organic foods and natural health care products.

    Source :-

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